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超 文 本 连 结的英文

"超 文 本 连 结"怎么读


  • hyper link
  • "超"英文翻译    exceed; surpass; overtake
  • "文"英文翻译    character; script; writing
  • "本"英文翻译    I stem or root of plants
  • "连结"英文翻译    concatenate; joining-up copu ...
  • "文 超" 英文翻译 :    zou wenchao
  • "连 结 测 试" 英文翻译 :    link test
  • "连" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(连接) link; join; connect 他和群众心连心。 his heart is linked with the hearts of the masses. 天连水, 水连天。 the sky and the water seem to merge. 我们把小块的地连成大块的田。 we joined up small plots of land and made bigger fields. 这两个分句由一个连词连在一起。 the two clauses are joined by a conjunction. 这两个市镇有铁路相连。 the two towns are connected by a railway.2.(连累) involve (in trouble); implicate 互相牵连 be implicative of each other3.[方言] (缝) sew 缝缝连连 sewing and mending; 把两块布连在一起 sew two pieces of cloth togetherⅡ名词1.(军队的编制单位) company 一连步兵 a company of foot2.(连词) conjunction3.(姓氏) a surname 连称 lian chengⅢ副词1.(连续; 接续) in succession; one after another; repeatedly 连唱了五支歌 sing five songs one after another; 连发三封电报 send three telegrams in succession2.(甚至) even 他忙得连家信都忘了写。 he was so busy that he even forgot to write home. 我连想都没有想过。 i didn't even give a thought. 这事连我妈都不知道, 别说我了! even my mother is in the dark about it , to say nothing of me!Ⅳ介词(包括在内) including 这本词典连邮费共一百元。 this dictionary is 100 yuan, postage included. 这个办公室连我共有十人。 there are ten people in this office including me
  • "文" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(字) character; script; writing 甲骨文 inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells; 钟鼎文 inscriptions on ancient bronze objects; 《说文解字》 analytical dictionary of characters2.(文字) language 汉文 chinese; 英文 the english language3.(文章) literary composition; writing 作文 composition; 散文 prose; 韵文 verse; literary composition in rhyme; 情文并茂 excellent in both content and language4.(文言) literary language 半文半白 half literary and half vernacular5.(指社会发展到较高阶段表现出来的状态) civilization; culture6.(旧指礼仪) formal ritual 虚文 a mere formality; 繁文缛节 unnecessary and overelaborate formalities; red tape7.(自然界的某些现象) certain natural phenomena 水文 hydrology; 天文 astronomy8.(姓氏) a surname 文天祥 wen tianxiangⅡ动词1.(古时称在身上、脸上刺画花纹或字) tattoo 文了双颊 have a design tattooed on one's cheeks2.(掩饰) cover up; paint over 文过 conceal faultsⅢ形容词1.(非军事的) civil;civilian 文官 civil official2.(柔和; 不猛烈) gentle; elegant; refined; cultured 斯文 refined; gentleⅣ量词(用于旧时的铜钱) 一文钱 one cash; 一文不名 penniless; 一文不值 not worth a farthing
  • "结" 英文翻译 :    结动词(长出果实或种子) bear (fruit); form (seed) 开花结果 blossom and bear fruit; 今年桃树结果不会多。 the peach trees are not going to bear well this year. 这树结一种红色的坚果。 this tree bears a hard red fruit. 这些花结子儿了。 these flowers have gone to seed.
  • "超" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(越过; 高出) exceed; surpass; overtake 超世界先进水平 surpass advanced world levels; 亩产超千斤 produce over 1,000 jin per mu.; exceed 1,000 jin in per mu yield2.(在某个范围以外; 不受限制) transcend; go beyond 超尘脱俗 transcend the worldlyⅡ形容词(超出寻常的) super-; ultra-; extra-; hyper-Ⅲ名词(姓氏) a surname 超喜 chao xi
  • "本" 英文翻译 :    i 名词1.(草木的茎或根)stem or root of plants 草本glass family; 木本plants with stiff trunks; the stem of a tree; 木本植物woody plants; 水有源,木有本.a stream has its source; a tree has its rot.2.(事物的根源)foundation; origin; basis 忘本forget one's ancestry or tradition; 舍本逐末attend to the superficials and neglect the essentials; 胜利之本the foundation of victory3.(本钱,本金)capital; principal 亏本儿lose money 无本儿inadequate capital; 吃老本儿live off one's past gains; 还本付息 pay back the capital [principal] plus interest4.(册子)book 户口本儿 residence booklet; 帐本儿 account book5.(版本) edition; version 原刻本original edition; 平装本paperback6.(演出的底本)copy 剧本script; 抄本manuscript copy7.(封建时代指奏章)memorial to the throne 奏本memorial to emperor8.(姓氏)a surname 本高 ben gaoii 量词1.(用于书籍、簿册等)book; volume 一本参考书 a book of reference;两本儿帐 two account books2.(用于一定长度的影片) volume, reel 一个有十四本长的影片 a fourteen-reel film3.(用于戏曲) volume 头本《红楼梦》the first ""red chamber dream""iii 形容词1.(原来的)original 本籍 one's ancestral district2.(自己方面的)one's own; native 本校 our school; 本厂产品the products of our factory3.(主要的;中心的)principal; central 本部central department4.(现今的)this; present; current 本年this year; 本计划 the present planiv 副词(原来)originally 本属于originally belong to; 本该如此should have been so anyway v 动词(遵照;按照)follow; base on; according to 本着这一原则 base on the principle 每句话都有所本 every statement is well-founded
  • "e连" 英文翻译 :    easy company
  • "麦 文" 英文翻译 :    matt damon
  • "文-桑吉" 英文翻译 :    ashwin sanghi
  • "夏 文" 英文翻译 :    steffen hamann
  • "osler结" 英文翻译 :    osler's node
  • "pn结" 英文翻译 :    pn junction
  • "结, 小结" 英文翻译 :    noduli; nodulus
  • "结,结节" 英文翻译 :    nodi
  • "小瘤,结" 英文翻译 :    tubercle
  • "b超" 英文翻译 :    type-b ultrasonic; ultra sound b
  • "超 - 葬爱" 英文翻译 :    djjammy remix
  • "超-葬爱" 英文翻译 :    djmingremx
  • "超图 超" 英文翻译 :    hypergraph
  • "过;超" 英文翻译 :    hyper
超 文 本 连 结的英文翻译,超 文 本 连 结英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译超 文 本 连 结,超 文 本 连 结的英文意思,超 文 本 連 結的英文超 文 本 连 结 meaning in English超 文 本 連 結的英文超 文 本 连 结怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。